Water marking for recycling
23 February 2021
Laurel Brunner explains how watermark packaging can make recycling processes more efficient.
23 February 2021
Laurel Brunner explains how watermark packaging can make recycling processes more efficient.
18 January 2021
Laurel Brunner asks why environmentally friendly print is a contradiction in terms for many people.
8 December 2020
Laurel Brunner asks what drupa's decline means for the wider industry.
24 November 2020
Laurel Brunner examines the pressure on packaging printers to improve their environmental footprints.
9 November 2020
Laurel Brunner looks at the ways plastic is being phased out across our industries.
3 November 2020
James Morris, sales director at Gardners, discusses the impact that COVID-19 has had on the environment.
26 October 2020
Along with book printing, packaging is one of the few areas of print that is thriving. Calls for better waste management, particularly of plastics, and…
12 October 2020
How can you be certain if company its are serious about mitigating climate change?
5 October 2020
Whatever the calculations of governments and citizens around the world, whatever our wishful thinking and convincing denials, we won’t be out of this for a…
29 September 2020
Michael Walker wonders whether the hit to drupa's scheduling will cause the show to lose influence over product development and launch cycles.
21 September 2020
Laurel Brunner explains why now is the right time to have conversations about sustainability and the environment.
15 September 2020
Laurel Brunner explains why paper should be recycled, not burnt.
7 September 2020
For most print companies keen to improve their environmental impact, ideas start with the premises and kit. But we should all be thinking more about…
17 August 2020
We are seeing more and more companies starting to include sustainability as part of their investment decisions.
20 July 2020
Sadly we are seeing terrible effects of the Corornavirus crisis on the graphics industry, and clearly we can never expect a return to business as…