Solopress expands colour range of digital foiling
30 November 2022
Solopress has expanded its range of colour options on foil printing.
30 November 2022
Solopress has expanded its range of colour options on foil printing.
14 November 2022
What was once called special effects and is now embellishment offers vast potential for stunning new creative effects, but can also add value and help…
3 November 2022
DPP, recently acquired by The Great Peter who also runs PeterPrint, has invested in a Scodix ultra digital enhancement press.
11 March 2020
Flexpress has installed the UK's first DuploDuSense Digi Foil.
9 March 2020
Embellishment adds an eye-catching boost to print and is quite the weapon against digital media.
28 January 2020
Duplo has introduced a digital foiling option to complement its DuSense digital coater and a new cutter for short run packaging, labels and other items.
1 July 2019
If you want a truly metallic look on your printed materials, then you have to use real metal.
7 May 2019
Colourpoint has invested in a Foliant Taurus industrial laminating machine from Intelligent Finishing Systems.
26 April 2019
A foil-over-toner process using products from The Magic Touch and Oki desktop printers allows complex designs to be printed with metallic and sparkle effects on…
18 March 2019
Hen Party Superstore has turned to Intec to provide its new in-house printing, print embellishment and cutting equipment.
4 February 2019
Special effects can add value to any print job, as well as improving the overall profit margins for a print service provider with the right equipment.
17 January 2019
Intec Printing Solutions has introduced two new models to its ColorFlare range of lamination and foiling equipment.
7 December 2018
Liverpool commercial printer The Printroom has bought lamination in-house with the purchase of a Foliant Taurus 530NG and a Foliant Multi-functional Inprinting unit from IFS.
11 October 2018
Vivid Matrix MX-370P Cardiff-based digital print specialist Minuteman Press purchased a Vivid Matrix MX-370P to meet its lamination requirements but has found new opportunities…
10 September 2018
The Lee King B1 at MP Foil Blocking Following a visit to the USA, MP Foil Blocking has invested in a Lee King B1…